| четврток, 6 декември 2018 |

Лудата традиција заврши трагично – Биковите во Памплона ги нападнале тркачите, на еден му ги пробиле градите

epa05414436 Two bulls of the ranch Cebada Gago are left behind at the Estafeta street during the second bull run during the Festival of San Fermin 2016 in Pamplona, Spain, 08 July 2016. At least five people were injured during the bull run. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city's patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event - the running of the bulls, or encierro - where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city.  EPA/JAVIER LIZON

Шест луѓе се повредени, од кои двајца посериозно, во вториот ден на трките со бикови Кои биле дел од фестивалот Сан Фермин во Памплона на северот на Шпанија. Лудите сцени кои го гледаме секоја година, а во кои биковите ги бркаат учесниците со црвени марами, овој пат завршиле со повеќе незгоди.

Многу шпански градови во лето огранизираат вакви фестивали, но Сан Фемин е најпознат во севетот и секогаш привлекува илјадници туристи.

Едниот тркач кој настрадал добил сериозни повреди на градниот кош, каде бикот го пробил со своите рогови, изјавил директорот на локалната болница. Во трката која траела 5 минути и 46 секунди учестутвале 6 бикови.

epa05414416 A bull of the ranch Cebada Gago charges against a 'mozo' or runner at the Mercaderes corner during the second bull run during the Festival of San Fermin 2016 in Pamplona, Spain, 08 July 2016. At least five people were injured during the bull run. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city's patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event - the running of the bulls, or encierro - where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city.  EPA/JAVIER LIZON

epa05414437 A bull of the ranch Cebada Gago slips and falls to the ground next to a 'mozo' or runner at the Mercaderes corner during the second bull run during the Festival of San Fermin 2016 in Pamplona, Spain, 08 July 2016. At least five people were injured during the bull run. The festival, locally known as Sanfermines, is held annually from 06 to 14 July in commemoration of the city's patron saint. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from all over the world attend the fiesta. Many of them physically participate in the highlight event - the running of the bulls, or encierro - where they attempt to outrun the bulls along a route through the narrow streets of the old city.  EPA/JAVIER LIZON

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