Колинда Грабар-Китаровиќ гостувала во популарното британско шоу „Good Morning Britain”, а судејќи според коментарите на социјалните мрежи, таа потполно ги освоила Британците.
Колинда во утринската емисија зборувала за Брегзит и притисоците врз жените кои се занимаваат со политика, а поради впечатокот кој го оставила во текот на настапот, гледачите на британската “ITV” ја возвишуваат на сите социјални мрежи.
-Навистина беше инспиративен нејзиниот говор”, “Се чини како драга дама, многу подобра од Меј”, “Каква прекрасна личност. Убава однадвор и одвнатре. Потполна спротивност на Тереза Меј”, “Можеме ли да ја менуваме Тереза за неа?”, “Одличен пример за лидер на една земја, а тоа го покажа и на Светското фудбалско првенство”, “Убава, елегантна, паметна, секси… Но, пред се претседателка. Се прашувам дали е среќна во животот? Ѝ посакувам среќа и внатрешен мир”, биле само дел од коментарите на Твитер под видеото од настапот на Китаровиќ.
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
In an inspiring speech to Good Morning Britain, Croatia's President says the world should not divide itself into categories of men and women. Instead, we should put ourselves into categories of those who want to make change for the better without prejudice towards anyone else. pic.twitter.com/ugnjlZlhkz
— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 7, 2018
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