| четврток, 6 декември 2018 |

Засилена контролата на „Богородица“ – се врши претрес на емигрантите (фото)

Slovaks and Czech police officers overhaul the refugees who cross the border between Greece and macedonia near Gevgelia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 19 February 2016. From today, the control for the refugees who want to cross the border from Greece in Macedonia is on the bigger level.After checking of the documents,every single person is overhaul.Thousand refugees continue to pass through Macedonia on their way to the European Union.

Словачките и чешките полицајци ги претресуваат емигрантите што ја преминуваат границата меѓу Грција и Македонија во близина на Гевгелија. Од денеска е зголемена безбедносната контрола. По проверката на документите од страна на македонската гранична полиција, се врши претрес на сите бегалци што сакаат да транзитираат низ Македонија.

Macedonian police officers check the documents of refugees who want to cross the border between Greece and Macedonia near Gevegelia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 19 February 2016. From today, the control for the refugees who want to cross the border from Greece in Macedonia is on the bigger level.After checking of the documents,every single person is overhaul.Thousand refugees continue to pass through Macedonia on their way to the European Union.

Slovaks and Czech police officers overhaul the refugees who cross the border between Greece and macedonia near Gevgelia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 19 February 2016. From today, the control for the refugees who want to cross the border from Greece in Macedonia is on the bigger level.After checking of the documents,every single person is overhaul.Thousand refugees continue to pass through Macedonia on their way to the European Union.

The migrants with out valid documents go back to Greece near Gevegelia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 19 February 2016. From today, the control for the refugees who want to cross the border from Greece in Macedonia is on the bigger level.After checking of the documents,every single person is overhaul.Thousand refugees continue to pass through Macedonia on their way to the European Union.

фото: Ѓ.Личовски (РЕПУБЛИКА)

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