An elderly migrant woman kisses the hand of Macedonian police officer who help her to pass through cordon of Macedonian special police forces to cross in Macedonia near southern city of Gevgelija, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 21 August 2015.Macedonian special police forces arrived yesterday morning and blocked the illegal border crossing between Macedonia and Greece. They don’t give permission to the migrants to pass in Macedonia. Macedonian government has declared emergency situation in the south and north border with Greece and Serbia due to rising number of migrants and fugitives from Syria, Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Somalia. From the beginning of the year to mid-June 2015, nearly 160,000 migrants landed in the southern European countries, mainly Greece and Italy, on their way to wealthier countries in Western and Northern Europe, according to estimates by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). - содржините, графичките и техничките решенија се заштитени со издавачки и авторски права (copyright). Крадењето на авторски текстови е казниво со закон. Дозволено е делумно превземање на авторски содржини (текст и фотографии) со ставање хиперлинк до содржината што се цитира.
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